Personal Protection Equipment Every Home Welder Needs

Posted on: 16 April 2019

Like many occupations, welders need to follow specific protocols to avoid injuring themselves or even others. They also need to wear personal protection equipment and clothing. While virtually every professional welder is aware of the need for safety, home welders often underestimate the dangers. Or, they simply don't want to make the necessary investment. Safety gear, however, is a tool like any other, and it deserves respect. Here is a look at the different personal protection equipment and clothing even the occasional home welder needs.  

Welding Helmet

A welding helmet protects not only your eyes but the rest of your face and head as well. A full helmet is especially important for home welders who are still honing their skills. The welding helmet does an excellent job of protecting the most sensitive parts of the body from sparks, hot slag debris, powerful light, and chemicals.

Welding Glasses

Welding glasses also protect the eyes, but that is about all they protect. So why would someone opt for welding glasses over a welding helmet, which offers more protection? Well, it can be difficult to see through the lens on a welding helmet sometimes. This is especially true if the welder wears eyeglasses or contacts.

The detail of the weld isn't always as good with a welding helmet, either. Sometimes a weld needs to be precise, but this isn't always the case. Beginners often feel like they need more detail while they are in the learning stages. A full helmet can also be really hot and make it difficult to breathe, especially in cramped quarters or when welding outdoors in warm weather.

Fire-Resistant Clothing

Sparks will fly, and that means your clothing needs to be protected. For some applications, a welding apron will be good enough. A welding apron is usually made of leather and does an adequate job of protecting much of the body. Leather welding sleeves are available as well. Aprons may also be made from flame-resistant, heavy-weight denim cotton.

Welding pants and shirts are another essential personal protection item. These clothing items are often made from a combination of leather hide and flame-resistant, heavy-weight denim cotton. The leather is used for extra durability in the areas that need it most while the cotton provides a little more give and flexibility.

Other Articles

For some welding applications, respirators are needed to protect the lungs from caustic chemicals and fumes. Welding gloves are another absolute necessity, as is appropriate footwear and ear protection. You can find these items by contacting welding supply companies.


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