Bounce! Twang! Stretch And Hold! What Do You Want Your Custom Rubber Products To Do?
Posted on: 19 April 2019
There are so many different "recipes" for rubber these days. It is no longer a singular, stretchy substance that acts in one fashion. Now rubber can bounce, twang, stretch, hold shape, tighten around items, act as a hard barrier with just a little give, and more. Better still, you can request custom manufactured rubber products that fit and function exactly as you need them to for products made in your plant or in manufacturing equipment. What do you want your custom rubber products to do?
To bounce, this type of rubber product has to have a lot of "give." It can be filled with air for even greater bounce-ability, but wrapping rubber around an enclosed space often creates a vacuum that allows it to bounce just as well without air. If your plant manufactures children's rubber toys, then a rubber bouncy ball is one such example of the type of rubbery bounciness you are looking for.
A rubber that twangs can be pulled and stretched to a distance several times its original form, or it is already stretched to a maximum length to create vibrations when struck or plucked by machinery. If you are having a hard time picturing this, think about a rubber band box banjo that kids make sometimes. The rubber bands are cut once, stretched to max capacity to make them really taut, and then secured to a box with a circular hole cut out of it. Similar machines that use rubber strands this way create vibrations in liquids during manufacturing processes.
Stretch and Hold!
This type of rubber is so rubbery that it is often used for making all sorts of rubber hoses, rubber drains, rubber pipes, etc. It holds its shape regardless of how far it is stretched or how much force is pushed through it via gases, solid objects, and liquids. You undoubtedly already have a lot of different rubber objects of this sort in your plant already.
Customization Is All About Size, Shape, and Function
With any of the rubber types above, you can request that something of a specific size, shape, and function be made to fit your needs. You want a vacuum seal made of bouncy rubber in the shape of a hexagon? There is a good chance that the design engineers can make this for you and anything else with very specific specifications that you cannot find on the market elsewhere.