Are Vibrations Bad For Rubber Parts On Machinery?

Posted on: 23 July 2020

Machines that create a lot of vibration are also subject to a lot of breakdowns if the machinery isn't kept in great shape and the vibrations aren't reduced as much as possible. The vibrations can be severe and cause bolts to loosen and parts to hit against each other, creating damage. What some new operators don't quite get is that rubber parts can be subject to damage from the vibrations, too. This is understandable as rubber does not seem like something that would suffer the effects of vibrations. But it does, and by using customized parts, you may be able to reduce future problems.

The Problem With Machinery Vibration in General

Vibrations shake machinery, as you'd expect, and that causes the parts of the machinery to basically bounce rapidly. Bolts can come loose as the vibrations make the bolt move ever so slightly; parts can rub together and create spots of wear that later lead to breaks and machine failure. The vibrations can travel through connected materials to other machines and other parts of the facility. People exposed to these vibrations can, if the vibrations are strong enough, experience problems like back pain.

Don't Rubber Parts Help Stop Vibrations?

Damping the vibrations is necessary, and sometimes rubber parts can be a part of that. The softer material helps stop the waves of vibrations from traveling as far. But rubber parts can also be subject to damage from the vibrations. As older parts dry out, the vibrations can cause the material to crack and crumble; the vibrations can also wrench rubber in two if they're strong enough. It really depends on where the part is and what it was manufactured for. A rubber part made for a purpose other than stopping vibrations in machinery can very well be useless when it comes to those vibrations.

Protecting All Parts of Machinery, Including Rubber, From Vibrations

You can certainly buy generic rubber parts for damping vibrations, but getting custom parts made for your specific machinery will likely be more helpful. The better fit and better construction, given the amount of vibration the part will have to contend with, increases the chances that the reduction in vibration will be even greater than it could be with a generic part. You can also look into custom rubber parts for other parts of the machinery, too; maybe making a part slightly thicker or using a different type of rubber that's softer could help the part handle more vibration as well.

Talk to companies that make customized rubber parts and see what they can do given the machinery you use. Ask about vibration damping specifically, too.

For more information, contact a custom rubber parts supplier today.


CNC And Water Jet Fabrication: An Introduction

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