Sound Maintenance Advice For Hydraulic Cylinders

Posted on: 17 January 2022

If you want hydraulic cylinders on a system to last for as long as possible, you'll have to put in some effort with their maintenance. Then you can proactively prevent regular breakdowns and part damage. A good maintenance plan for hydraulic cylinders will involve the following steps.

Rely on a Pressure Gauge Indicator for Filter Performance

In order to ensure the oil in your hydraulic cylinders doesn't get contaminated and then start affecting the performance of these important systems, you need to make sure the filter component works optimally. It will be easier to monitor this if you use a pressure gauge indicator.

You can check this indicator for pressure issues on a regular basis. If the pressure levels spike, that could mean the filter is clogged. You can then swap it out to restore optimal filtering performance, keeping the oil clean and working great for your cylinder's benefit.

Keep an Eye on Friction

Friction isn't something you want to let go unchecked because it's going to wear down components prematurely, including the pistons and rods. As long as you monitor this potential problem, it will be easier to address friction issues before parts are severely compromised from a structural standpoint.

Excessive friction may be a sign of needing to use more lubrication or a better lubricant quality. You may even need to have friction issues professionally assessed to come up with a conclusive diagnosis that keeps this issue at bay in the future.

Leave Rebuilds Up to Professionals

If there are many problems with your hydraulic cylinders or some of them are just really severe, you may need to have them rebuilt. You should let professional companies perform these rebuilds because they have better capabilities than you do most likely.

They can figure out how this rebuild needs to take place, complete timely repairs, and use high-quality parts for replacements. You'll receive updates when anything is done to restore your cylinders. That makes this process easier to plan for, both timewise and financially. You just need to have your cylinders rebuilt by professionals that are licensed and experienced.

If you're hoping to get as much use out of hydraulic cylinders as possible for a system, then you want to understand specific maintenance steps you can perform at certain intervals. That should help you easily keep troubling complications from surfacing, such as pressure loss and friction issues that require replacements.


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