What You Need To Know About Buying Parts For Your Surplus Military Vehicle
Posted on: 9 March 2022
Surplus military vehicles are popular with collectors and enthusiasts, but military vehicle parts can be challenging to find when restoring or repairing these vehicles. Parts for older vehicles are often no longer being made, and some parts are limited to government purchase. Still, there are some places you can look for parts for your older military truck or collectible vehicle.
Commercial Truck Parts
The engines used in military trucks are often the same ones found in commercial trucks or use some of the same parts. If you can identify the engine and determine if there are commercial truck parts that you can exchange, you may be able to get military truck parts through a commercial truck parts dealer.
Often the parts are limited to common items that the manufacturer would have used off the shelf to save time and money. If you take the old part off the truck, you can show it to the parts service associate, and they might be able to find a part number that can help determine if it is available. Sometimes the military truck parts you need are old enough that they are no longer in production, and if that is the case, this option may be a dead end, but it is worth checking with the dealer in case they still have some older pieces on the shelf.
Used Parts
The military collectible space is filled with people who collect any parts they find along the way just in case they need them someday. Older used military truck parts are often available through other collectors, at swap meets, or on classified listings for old trucks and equipment. If you search through enthusiasts' sites and go to events sponsored by clubs or groups specializing in these kinds of vehicles, you may find the parts or connect with someone who can help you locate what you need.
If you are buying used parts, it is often best to do it in person because it is essential to inspect the parts carefully to ensure they are in good shape and will work on your vehicle. If you are ordering online, try to stick to auction sites that guarantee the purchase, so if something does go wrong, you can file a claim and get your money back.
Reproduction Parts
Manufacturers making reproduction military truck parts offer many different parts that you can order new, and they look and feel like the original parts on the truck. There may be some limitations to the kinds of parts available, but you can find sheet metal, glass, window seals, canvas tops, and a large selection of mechanical parts at these reproduction businesses.
If you need something they don't list on the website, it is often worth calling to ask about it. Often, a reproduction parts manufacturer will have rare parts in stock that are not listed because they don't have a lot of call for them.
For more information, contact a local company, like Equipment Parts Sales.