3 Critical Functions Of Circuit Breaker
Posted on: 9 June 2022
As a property owner, you likely understand that circuit breakers are integral to your electrical system. What you may not know is that a faulty circuit breaker can be a risk to your property? Therefore, you should not delay replacing blown circuit breakers with new ones from a certified circuit breaker supplier. This article will explore three functions of a circuit breaker to help you understand why you should never delay their replacements.
1. Help Keep Your Electrical Appliance Safe
Think of a circuit breaker as a gadget that keeps an eye on the flow of electric current. If the current is higher than the capacity of the wire, it will trip and disrupt the current flow. This will prevent the high current from flowing into the connected electrical appliances and damaging them. While electrical appliances cost hundreds of dollars to buy, they can serve you for many years if you take good care of them. One of the best ways to protect this investment is to ensure your circuit breakers are in top shape all the time. If your circuit breakers are constantly tripping or are simply aged, do not hesitate to buy new ones from a well-known supplier.
2. Prevent Electrical Fires
An overload and short circuit can cause electrical fires. When the circuit breaker senses a current surge, it cuts current flow to prevent the wire from overheating and igniting. There are approximately 51,000 electrical fires in the country every year. And they leave behind numerous injuries, death, and property damage worth millions of dollars. A faulty circuit breaker puts your property at an incredibly high risk of electric fires. You do not want to be part of these statistics. Get that old or blown circuit breaker replaced to ensure your home is safe.
3. Prevent Electrocution Injuries
By disrupting the current flow in the event of an overflow, circuit breakers also protect you from electric shocks. However, a faulty circuit breaker may not offer you much protection against electrocution injuries since it is likely to malfunction when you need it most. For this reason, make it a habit to have your circuit breakers inspected to make sure they are in good shape. All faulty circuit breakers need to be replaced without delay.
If you suspect your circuit breaker is damaged, be sure to buy new ones to prevent electrical complications. A healthy circuit breaker is vital for your electrical system. Get your electrical system back to full performance with new circuit breakers from a trustworthy company.